WrestlingIQ Blog | Content to help wrestling teams grow

Automatic Emails and Calendar Hyperlinks (Release Notes, February 22, 2019)

Written by Matt Sencenbaugh | February 23, 2019

After spending the winter months making WrestlingIQ useful for club teams, it’s time to add some polish. Special thanks to Justin and Andy for all their time and support.

Automatic Emails Upon Parent Registration

When you create, or edit, a paid session you now have the option to add a ‘Welcome Email’. If you enter text into this section, parents will automatically get this emailed to them after they have registered their kid for a specific session with your wrestling club.


Hyperlinks In Calendar Events

The other small update today is the ability to add hyperlinks and styling to the notes section of an event.

What’s Next?

You should expect more emails like this from me. I haven’t done a good job of this so far, but I expect to send an email to everyone who wants it every time I release new features within WrestlingIQ.  So, you should see a few more of these emails, but what are the next features I plan to build?

My focus for the spring and summer is going to be….

  1. Ensure all club team using WrestlingIQ are successful.
  2. Upgrades to the messaging portion of WrestlingIQ (special thanks to Sean and Anthony for helping with this).
  3. Native apps
  4. Calendar export to popular systems such as Google Calendar, Outlook, etc

Time will tell how quickly these things get built, but I’ll be here every week working towards making those a reality. Stay tuned!