WrestlingIQ Blog | Content to help wrestling teams grow

Introducing Stats Tracking

Written by Matt Sencenbaugh | October 11, 2019

Today I am pleased to announce that stats tracking is available within WrestlingIQ.

Smart Scoring

If you look closely at the above screenshot, you’ll notice that the scorepad is different for red and green. This is because the green wrestler is in the bottom position.

WrestlingIQ is smart enough to recognize the situation and only allow point scoring that is possible from that position, eliminating possible scorekeeping errors.

The rules are up to date with the 2019-2020 NFHS rulebook.

Stats Exporting

Example export. I promise your team probably has better takedown stats than this.

Stats are recorded on a per match basis and can then be pulled in aggregate via reports. This reporting UI works on desktop and mobile.

Stats can also be exported to a raw .csv file for you to print, post, or manipulate to your heart’s content.

Color blind helpers

If you are colorblind, or your managers are, WrestlingIQ represents scoring with colors and shapes. Red wrestlers are always scored within circle shapes and green wrestlers within squares.

Ready for the upcoming season?

WrestlingIQ’s mission is to provide you with one tool to manage your entire wrestling team and with the introduction of stats tracking, that is more true than ever.

Team calendar, messaging, video review, stats, practice plan builder, attendance tracking, and more is included in WrestlingIQ.

Checkout https://www.wrestlingiq.com or email me directly at matt@wrestlingiq.com to get started today!