Club teams using WrestlingIQ probably know that it’s easy to collect information as parents register, but it hasn’t necessarily been easy to actually pull that information out of the system. Released a few moments ago are some updates to help rectify that situation.
Run this report to see all of the answers typed in during your registration process. The report is broken down by wrestlers, parents, and coaches.
This report goes deep on giving you all the information you need, but because some of the question titles are long it can be a bit hard to read on the WrestlingIQ reporting UI. For advanced report runners, I’d recommend downloading the CSV file from this report so you can manipulate the data as much as you want.
The paid session accounting report displays data based at a per invoice level. Meaning that if a parent registers two kids at the same time, this report would only show one row since there was only one payment made.
The first two columns of the paid session accounting report now contain the # of wrestlers registered and the names of the wrestlers registered. Hopefully this helps you understand exactly who has signed up for your sessions, at a parent and a wrestler level.
If you go to your paid sessions as a coach or admin, and then click the paid session, you see who’s in good standing and who owes payment.
On the far left you’ll also see the total count of all wrestlers registered to the session (regardless of whether they are good standing or overdue). This should provide a quick way to see your registration count, if you have capacity caps due to facilities or anything like that.