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SMS notifications, multiple accounts, mobile video upload, and parent video upload (Release notes, March 29, 2019)

Written by Matt Sencenbaugh | March 29, 2019

Text message notifications

Previously, WrestlingIQ was only able to send notifications via email. In many cases this is fine, but for situations like messaging or practice changes, email is not urgent enough.

As of today anyone can enable text message (SMS) notifications. While logged in, go to your notification preference screen and pick the delivery channels you want. Existing users will also receive a prompt when they first login asking if they want to enable sms notifications.

Multiple accounts

The reality of our sport is that most people are involved in multiple teams. You may be the coach of a high school and a club team. Or a coach at one club, and a parent at another school. Before, you had to have two separate WrestlingIQ accounts. Now you can have multiple accounts under the same email & password login. Once part of two different teams, you can tap the little arrow in the top left corner to switch accounts.

Mobile video upload

Native apps are in development, but not finished yet. As an alternative solution, I’ve added a file picker button to the video manager that let’s you upload video from a mobile device. Use the normal camera app to capture the video, and then WrestlingIQ to upload it after you’ve finished capturing the video on your phone. You can also continue to drop video files as normal from your computer.

Parent video upload

At the club level it’s common for parents to film their kids matches,  rather than a dedicated team manager or coach. WrestlingIQ now lets parents upload video, and tag their kids in a match for organizational purposes. If you want this, please send me an email since it is currently off by default.