WrestlingIQ Blog | Content to help wrestling teams grow

What's new with WrestlingIQ? (July 2022)

Written by Matt Sencenbaugh | July 27, 2022

Happy summer vacation!

I hope all of you are going to get a little summer downtime over the next month. Soak up those rays and relax. Or hide inside like I have been to beat the heat (pro tip: a heatwave is a great excuse to stock up on ice cream and no four pints is not enough of a stockpile).

Lots of small features and an Android app to show you today.


The WrestlingIQ Android app now available

The Android app is now available to download on Google Play! This was a fun project, as it was my first time diving into writing code for Android. The first version is focused on messaging and the team calendar, so that parents (and coaches) can receive notifications to their phone instead of relying solely on email or SMS.

If you missed the last email, the iOS app is also available on the App Store. I’ve received a lot of great feedback so far, keep it coming. I expect to spend a good chunk of time this fall working on improving both apps.

Shout out to everyone for being so patient before I got the apps rolled out for Android and iOS.

Payment collection pauses for recurring members

If you run a club that offers recurring memberships, WrestlingIQ now gives you the ability to pause payment collection. This should help for things like injury holds, temporary membership freezes, or vacations. You can read more about how to pause/resume payment collection here.

Thanks to Elmer, Joanna, Donnie, Mike and Josh for the push to get this one over the finish line. It was previously possible to do the pausing via Stripe in a roundabout way and now WrestlingIQ will let you do it without needing to pop another site open.

‘Game’ added to the practice planner

Thanks to Daniel McCune for requesting this one - the practice planner now has a game category.

Considering a fall fundraiser? I’m here to help

Is your club or HS booster club evaluating online fundraising tools right now? You might not know that WrestlingIQ offers a fundraising feature that is far more cost effective (2-3% to WIQ + cc processing fees, almost always covered by the donor) than some popular ones (looking at your outrageous 20% SnapRaise).

I’m happy to help brainstorm if you are looking for fundraising ideas, hit reply and we’ll jump on a call. WrestlingIQ teams have run standard online fundraisers, as well as fundraising event registrations through WrestlingIQ such as booster club social dinners, cornhole tournament entry, and golf outings.

One best practice-that you should absolutely steal—is to allow bundling of entry to your fundraising event alongside sponsorship opportunities, which gives donors the opportunity to increase their support when their wallet is already out. Golf outings are particularly good for this type of sponsorship, since the course provides plenty of lower tier sponsorship options like a hole sponsorship.