WrestlingIQ Blog | Content to help wrestling teams grow

What’s new with WrestlingIQ? (March 2022)

Written by Matt Sencenbaugh | March 24, 2022

Folkstyle season is here and gone. Hope you are enjoying a little spring break before hitting the mats again for freestyle.

Product updates

Merge tool

In case you missed it, I released the merge tool at the beginning of March. This tool is automatically running for you behind the scenes to de-duplicate guest registrations. You also have the power to merge parents or wrestlers together manually if you need to.

Drop ins

Do you offer drop in passes at your club? WrestlingIQ has a new registration type specifically built for drop ins.

Messaging Madness

Messaging in WrestlingIQ received an overhaul this morning that focused on making the experience more like text messaging. Groups and direct messages still exist, but they all show up in the same list now instead of being broken out into separate sections.

You can also now hide message groups from your own list! For coaches who are part of accounts with lots of registrations, thank you for sticking through the chaos—happy spring cleaning!

What’s next?

The next big product focus is going to be on getting apps ready for iOS and Android.

From a business perspective, the summer months (June to Sep) have historically been what makes or breaks the year. This year, the summer is going to be particularly important—this is the first summer where my family is depending on WrestlingIQ being my full time gig, a terrifying and exhilarating prospect.

I’ve always loved the mantra of “make something that matters, for people who care.” It’s why I’m here—to help you, the coaches and admins of the wrestling world—make an impact on our wrestlers. I don’t know yet what ‘marketing’ means for WrestlingIQ, but I want any marketing efforts to have the same attitude. That might mean small sponsorships of creators in the wrestling community, free helpful guides on important topics, or some other free tools that help you grow and manage your team.

Think back to the last wrestling specific product you found and purchased (or seriously considered buying). Where did you hear about it? Hit reply and let me know!