The new and improved WrestlingIQ Kiosk
The WrestlingIQ Kiosk has received several updates today to help your coaches put names to faces and understand how many people are checked into the room. The Kiosk can now…
- Show photos for each wrestler, both when searching and after they have checked in.
- There is a new grid style layout that prominently displays wrestler photos, instead of just their name. If you want the list style, it’s still available.
- Upon loading, you will be given an explicit list of events to choose from instead of a single dropdown. This should ensure that you are checking in for the correct event and makes the Kiosk friendlier to user on phones when your event names are long.
- When checking in for a specific event, the kiosk will maintain a count of how many have checked in.
- If you reload the kiosk and then select a specific event, it will also load the previous check-ins.
All the other features you love about the Kiosk are still there—USAW alerts, roster filtering, including guests, bluetooth scanner support—so that using the new one is a joy rather than a burden.