WrestlingIQ Blog | Content to help wrestling teams grow

What's new with WrestlingIQ? (Aug/Sep 2022)

Written by Matt Sencenbaugh | September 20, 2022

Roster filters, helpers, and calendar integration

Rosters continue to be a key feature of using WrestlingIQ effectively. Earlier this summer WrestlingIQ added the ability for messaging groups to be synced with rosters and as of yesterday you can now link roster(s) to calendar events.

Once linked, your roll call attendance list and the WrestlingIQ Kiosk will automatically apply those rosters as filters for quicker and easier check-ins.

Linked rosters also add shortcuts when sending out event invites, so that you can quickly send invites, without needing to manually invite people one at a time.

Link paid sessions to calendar events

If you have linked paid sessions to your calendar events, the calendar will now show an easy to use registration button when parents pull up the event.

Public calendar - available to all!

The calendar inside of WrestlingIQ is a great resource for your existing team, but what about prospective members, supporters, or other people involved with the team who don’t have a WrestlingIQ account?

Head over to your team settings page to find your team’s public calendar url. The public calendar shows the same events as the logged-in WrestlingIQ calendar and also includes handy registration links if you’ve linked paid sessions to your events.

Use this schedule however you want - send it out to your team Facebook group, other social media, or link to it from your team’s website.

Updated credit card input (with Apple Pay and Google Pay)

An upgrade of the billing system took place this summer, which has resulted in an updated design for accepting credit cards when signing up for a membership or registration.

The new payment input accepts Apple Pay and Google Pay, so your customers can pay even faster from their phones.

Need a hand?

I know that one of the difficulties with switching software systems is how daunting it can seem to get everything set up. It won’t be effortless, but with an investment of 30 to 60 minutes, you can have your team setup and ready to go for your upcoming season.

Want me to double check your configuration or walk through set up with you? I am happy to do so and you can snag a time slot here.

Thank you

To everyone who has referred other teams to WrestlingIQ this summer, thank you. Referrals are really the only way WrestlingIQ works—self-funding a company takes Super Bowl ads off the table unfortunately—and I am so thankful to all of you who have given WrestlingIQ a shot.

If you know any teams who are in need of software before the fall season starts, there’s still time to send them over to WrestlingIQ!