For any future session you setup in WrestlingIQ, a new smart message group will be setup so you as...
What’s new with WrestlingIQ? (April 2022)
Product updates
Messaging groups can now be automatically synced with rosters
Rosters got a little bit smarter with the introduction of messaging groups that will automatically add/remove wrestlers (and their guardians) to a messaging group based on the rosters they are a part of. If you haven’t used rosters in WrestlingIQ before, it’s worth spending a few minutes checking them out.

iOS app sneak peek
Good progress has been made on the iOS app in the last couple weeks. Rosters, roster filtering, and wrestler info are all in the app now. If you have been a beta tester, all of the previous functionality–like the ability to record video + stats at the same time—still remain.
My last big push before submitting to the app store will be adding notifications to the app for things like messaging. I’m optimistic that I’ll get something into your hands this month.

Marketing musings and free flyer design
Thank you to everyone who replied with insight into how you find out about wrestling products, keep them coming! I have been trying to brainstorm initiatives that overlap in three key areas: effective for the business, helps grow wrestling (even if they never use WrestlingIQ), and things I am personally willing to support.
One of the ideas that has been circling my head is a free tool that lets you generate promotional materials for summer camps, fundraisers, or your next season. In other words you type in the camp info, customize it to your brand, and the tool outputs common sizes you’ll need to promote your next event everywhere you plan on doing so (paper flyer, Facebook post, Instagram post, etc).
Would a tool like that be interesting to you? Would it be useful? How do you currently make your marketing materials when you have a new session to promote to your community?
As part of understanding what would be required of a tool like that, and what makes an effective flyer, I am offering free design services to help promote your next event. My design bandwidth is limited, but I have space to take on 2-3 more teams so get in touch, fill me in with your event details, and let’s get your event promoted!