Team updates, freestyle scoring, admin payment controls, and more Jeff Marsh—The Wrestling Coach—has...

Team updates, freestyle scoring, admin payment controls, and more Jeff Marsh—The Wrestling Coach—has...
iOS App Updates ID Cards and Messaging directly on Wrestler Profiles
Version 1 of the WrestlingIQ iOS and Android apps are officially released and can be downloaded from...
I managed to put my head down and add two minor features again today. Minor, but probably useful as ...
A few minor updates and a little sneak preview into the upcoming WrestlingIQ iOS app!
For any future session you setup in WrestlingIQ, a new smart message group will be setup so you as a...
This week’s update improves calendars that are available on club team websites, a small UI change, a...
Have a camp, event, or season coming up? Use the WrestlingIQ Promo Generator to create a good looking image to post on social media.