Today I am pleased to announce that stats tracking is available within WrestlingIQ.
WrestlingIQ Premium Website Services - New Pricing
For years, WrestlingIQ has offered optional website services as an add-on to your team's account. We have decided to change our pricing model for custom websites—and start including several new features—to make it more affordable and hassle-free for wrestling teams.
Premium Website Services through WrestlingIQ now cost $500 upfront for custom design + coding and then $49/month once the site is live. Your monthly subscription includes hosting, domain name registration (we'll maintain + pay it for you annually), and unlimited tweaks throughout the season. When you want the site changed, all you do is send us an email—we'll take care of it for you.
Capacity wise, we recently brought on some help for custom websites and can handle about 1 per week. That means we likely only have room for 6-10 customers before the fall registration season starts. We expect to fill those slots up quickly, so if you are ready to get started with a custom website, fill out this form to reserve your spot.
Not sure? Here are several clubs that use WrestlingIQ's premium website services:
P.S. If you already have a website through WrestlingIQ, this pricing change does not impact you. We stand by our previous pricing model agreement we made with you!