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What's New With WrestlingIQ - 2023 Roundup

Written by Matt Sencenbaugh | February 22, 2024

According to our tracking tool, we released 134 features and fixed 24 issues in the WrestlingIQ product in 2023!

Jeff and I both added new little ones to our families, so we presumably forgot to write down at least another twenty features that we accomplished in the newborn fugue state.

But first, the podcast!

In case you missed it, Jeff launched a podcast called The Business of Wrestling this year. Our first three guests were phenomenal—special thanks to Emma Randall, Jacque Davis, and Mike Powell for sharing their expertise. All three episodes are worth a listen:

We've also started recording and producing videos that we think will be useful for all wrestling coaches, regardless of whether they use WrestlingIQ, and posting them to the WrestlingIQ Academy. Our most recent video is all about how to run summer camps to increase club revenue. If you have a topic you want us to dive into, please reach out!

2023's most impactful features

Am I going to subject you to a list of 150+ things? Absolutely not, although I considered it 😄 

Here's the list of features I think you'll find useful, in case you missed it last year:

What's ahead in 2024?

Our focus for 2024 is on making WrestlingIQ better for existing customers. That focus will likely be split into three areas:

  1. Improving the Android and iOS app. This has always been a delicate balance—we want to create a streamlined app to make it incredibly easy to use for parents, while still powerful enough that coaches don't really need to use the web version of WIQ for day to day team operations. The Android app in particular needs some love this year. We kicked off 2024 by launching updates to both the iOS and Android apps that allow users to respond, view, and receive notifications about event invites in the app.
  2. Payments. There are still a few areas where WrestlingIQ's payment features aren't quite powerful enough. In particular, we are looking at private lesson scheduling/billing, gear stores, and the ability for teams to offer insurance to their registrants.
  3. Curriculum improvements. We've historically been focused around team operations that often is not visible to parents or wrestlers at all. We believe there is an opportunity for WIQ to provide coaches the tools to curate their coaching system to help their wrestlers/parents improve. While we are still in early days of exploring this, we expect it will take the form of internal team video playlists (think here are the moves we focused on this week), an improved practice planner that can handle inline video playback, and potentially a rethink of how documents work.

Thank you

As usual, thank you. WrestlingIQ is a small business built to serve, improve, and contribute to the wrestling community. We wouldn't be here without you. 

To an excellent 2024!